Select Social Care – Full Steam Ahead

The recent pandemic has proven to have varied consequences on Social care.
Many Local authorities are now calling out for social workers due to unprecedented demand.
Employees being absent for illness etc or having to self-isolate has meant that more than 2 thirds of
local authorities, with social care responsibilities, plan to source additional social workers.

However, recent studies, have shown that the pandemic has seen workers embracing technology
and attending virtual meetings that they may not have necessarily been able to attend before. With
local authorities using a Multi-Agency working approach, the pandemic has forced us all to look at
better approaches and taught us to work together.
After many years of working on both the front line and the business side of social care, we have
decided to extend our skills and launch Select Social Care to provide a high quality service to both
our candidates and clients that is so often missing in the recruitment industry when it meets the
social care industry.
At Select Social Care we recognise that securing reliable work and/ or employees, has never been
more important than it is now, and that recruitment is under its biggest demand yet.

We hope to use the recent challenges and lessons learnt to offer better options and more
opportunities. This includes ensuring reliable and continuous employment to our candidates and
sourcing high quality professionals for our clients.
Here’s to a new normal in social work-From the team at Select Social Care



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